Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!
I know it’s Wordless Wednesday and I’m supposed to let my picture speak for itself, but I really do need a drink after last night and I need to vent about it. I was working on optimizing the blog and I had just installed a new plug-in. When I went to my plug-in list to activate it, I wasn’t paying enough attention and accidentally activated an old plug-in that had come with the wordpress install. Well this old plug-in conflicted with one of my regular plug-ins and caused the whole site to come crashing down. I couldn’t access my dashboard at all and I was freaking out. I spent a few hours researching and trying possible fixes that wouldn’t require me to reinstall the whole thing. I tried deleting files, refreshing files, resetting files, clearing out files, but nothing worked. Then in the middle of all that my internet dies. So I spend an hour resetting the modem and the router, fruitlessly trying to get the internet to work again so I can try and make my blog work again. Of course Sadie just sat there the whole time staring at me, wondering what I was so stressed out about. Eventually it was so late that I couldn’t stay awake anymore waiting for the internet to come back on, and I fell asleep with the lights still on, my glasses still on, and the laptop still on the bed. Thankfully today everything seems to be in working order. I guess one of the fixes I tried last night must have needed time to work, but eventually got the job done.
On a happier note, Oz the Terrier wrote a limerick about my Sadie today. It is awesome and adorable, just like she is. Check it out here: Sadie’s Limerick!
Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!
Stopping by from Oz’s to say hi! Love your limerick! (I break the “wordless” rule all the time… I’m usually a total rule-follower, but it’s hard for me to be wordless!) Glad you got your blog troubles figured out. That stuff can be pull-your-hair-out frustrating!
Nice limerick! Glad all your efforts paid off last night! Sadie you are a sweet girl to be patient with your mum. Hope you both had a good night!
Adorable photo! Isn’t technology wonderful? MOL Somehow it makes the littlest things frustrating at times. I hope that everything worked out for you.
Glad things are back running. Heading over to check out Sadie’s Limerick.
I think that’s one reason I don’t do more technical things with my blog; I get so frustrated when things go wrong. For example, I can’t comment on any blogs because it won’t let me choose a “persona” to comment with.
Hahaha that is too funny!
Absolutely LOVE the photo 😉 I have trouble with no words too and always stuggle with it. I do try to keep them to a minimum.
I’ve crashed my site many times and it is never fun. Glad everything is up and working again.