dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, pets, puppy

Mirror Image #1

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dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, pets, puppydogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, pets,

This pair of photos really highlights the difference between the way Sadie looked as a puppy and the way she looks now. In Sadie’s First Haircut I talked about my shock at her drastic change of coloring after her first haircut. Here you can really see how her puppy fur came more from her Yorkie roots, with the traditional black and tan coloring. Today she has mainly Poodle hair that is almost an ashy blonde color. Now her Yorkie colors only come out when she’s in desperate need of a haircut, as her hair gets darker the longer it grows.

This post if part of the Thursday Barks and Bytes blog hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.

2 Brown Dawgs

Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!




  1. Thanks for joining the blog hop. WOW that’s all I got, WOW. You can tell by her face that it’s the same dog, but I’ve never seen such a difference in fur. Is that typical? I know Wheaten puppies are very curly when they are young and their fur straightens out, but I had not heard of it changing colors. Did you expect that or were you surprised when you picked her up? I think I probably would have freaked out. LOL
    Jodi recently posted…I Always Feel Better After I Talk to MY VetMy Profile

  2. I wouldn’t have thought they were the same dog. That is a pretty amazing shift in color. She is adorable as a brunette and a blond. 🙂

  3. I haven’t had a dog that requires grooming in over 30 yearsbut I don’t remember anything as shocking as this when I did. I was a kid back then and I think I would have noticed that much chanage.
    It made me think of a photo contest with puppy and then full grown dog photos side by side. People accused them of not using the same dog because of eye and hair changes. I see how it can happn now.
    Stacey recently posted…Arsenal For Your Epic Battle GiveawayMy Profile

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