dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, sepia photography, chew bone

Sepia Saturday #12

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, sepia photography, chew bone


On this Sepia Saturday we find Sadie participating in one of her all time favorite activities – hanging out on the bed chewing a bone. If I’m being a boring human and watching TV, this is Sadie’s go to activity. She’ll chew on her toy bone for ten or fifteen minutes, then take a nap. If I’m still watching TV when she wakes up, she’ll start chewing that bone again.


This post is part of Ruckus the Eskie‘s Sepia Saturday blog hop.


Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!



  1. Sadie looked like she was seriously into a movie herself. Looked like there was something really interesting on Netflicks while she chewed on her bone. What a cutie!

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