dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, puppy, mischief, hommade blanket

Thief In Training

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, puppy, mischief, hommade blanket


On this Mischief Monday I’ve decided to share Sadie’s very first act of mischief. When I brought Sadie home from the farm where she was born, her only possession was a homemade blue felt blanket. I put the blanket in her crate when we got home so that she would have an item that smelled like her birthplace. After living with me for a few days, my mischievous little puppy began chewing on the blanket. Life with a puppy can be very hectic, so at the time I just threw the blanket out of her reach on top of the crate and went on with my day. A few hours later the house was too quiet and I knew my precocious little pup must be up to something. That’s when I found Sadie trying to steal her blanket. She had wriggled between the table legs to gain access to the side of the crate and was stretching up on her hind legs, reaching for the blanket with her mouth. I was too impressed to stop her. The blanket technically was hers, and it was my fault I didn’t put it away properly. So I let her enjoy the fruits of her mischief for a little while, before putting the blanket away for good.

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, mischief, puppy, homemade blanket

This post is part of the Monday Mischief Pet Blog hop.






Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!



  1. Aw, how can you blame that face anyway?

    I think it’s funny that, as someone who lives with dogs, I know exactly what you mean when you say something is a little too quiet. That nearly always means trouble is brewing.

    Wags (and purrs)
    Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats recently posted…Story: Why, Wyoming?My Profile

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