Today is officially the first day of Fall. It’s funny how an arbitrary date on the calendar can change the way we feel about some things, but it’s definitely true, at least for me. Last week it was pretty chilly and windy out and I found myself complaining about how crappy the weather was. Today the weather is almost identical to last week, but now it’s Fall, so it’s ok. I went to take Sadie out this morning and thought “what a nice, crisp first day of Fall.” So apparently what felt too cold and windy last week is now pleasantly crisp to me. And for Sadie this crisp weather means getting the blankets and warmer harnesses and sweatshirts out of storage. She loves nothing more than to snuggle all warm and cozy under a blanket as Fall brings the colder temperatures.
Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
Yep, the leaves are turning and some re starting to fall.
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