Someone gave Sadie a bone this week that is so big I think it must have come from a dinosaur! She had an absolute blast carrying it around, burying and re-burying it all over the house. Normally I would worry about her eating a treat that large, but by the time Sadie settled down to nibble on the bone, she was exhausted. After only a minute or two gnawing away, Sadie fell asleep with the bone still in her paws!
Looks so yummy! I wonder how long till she can finish this big bone (yes I think its from a dinosaur too!). Dropping by from
Merlinda (@pixiedusk) recently posted…Mozzarella Sandwich
Sadie is so sweet. She reminds me of my Rosie, who had a rawhide bone in the shape of a circle. We called it her CIrcle Bone. She carried it whenever she was nervous or excited. Never chewed on it. She “buried” it all over the house; if she thought you were watching her bury it, she would take it out and put it someplace else.
–Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats recently posted…Photo: Cat Stairing
What a cutie! That bone is quite large!
Quirky Homemaker recently posted…WW | Sparkle Snow w/LINKY
So cute!
Nicole recently posted…27 Great Reasons to Declutter
What a great story and title – Sadie is SO cute! Thanks for sharing your photos at Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy!
she is so cute ♥♡♥