dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cardboard box, sleepy pupppy, office, DIY, dogs at work

Sadie’s DIY Office Bed

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cardboard box, sleepy pupppy, office, DIY, dogs at work

Working at our office can get pretty boring for Sadie, even with all the toys she’s got all over the place. So some days I try to make things more interesting for her. I had just finished using the last ream of paper from the box and was setting up the empty container for recycling when Sadie came to investigate what I was doing. She started sniffing around, and then stepped into the overturned box lid and sat down. That’s when Sadie’s Grandfather and I realized that the box lid was exactly the right size for Sadie to lie down. We brought over some stuffed toys for pillows and a nice blanket. As soon as I placed the blanket over Sadie, she laid down and got comfy. Within minutes she was fast asleep. Of course Sadie has multiple fluffy dog beds around the office, but we correctly predicted that a box lid would be a far more exciting place for a nap that day.

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cardboard box, sleepy pupppy, office, DIY, dogs at work

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cardboard box, sleepy pupppy, office, DIY, dogs at work

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cardboard box, sleepy pupppy, office, DIY, dogs at work

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cardboard box, sleepy pupppy, office, DIY, dogs at work


This post is part of the Thoughtless Thursday blog hop hosted by Ruckus the Eskie, Love Is Being Owned By a Husky, and M.K. Clinton.


This post is also part of the Thursday Barks and Bytes blog hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.   Grab The Badge



  1. So cute, thank you for joining the blog hop.

    Neither one of my dogs are big on settling down in strange spots, but my daughter had a cat once and I use to take pictures of all the random things he would sleep on/in. The two weirdest ones that jump quickly into my mind are the shoe box and infant baby seat.

    They sure are a hoot, aren’t they?
    Jodi recently posted…Follow-Up Friday – January 23, 2015My Profile

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