dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog dress, star wars, princess leia

It’s Almost Star Wars Time!



dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog dress, star wars, princess leia


Sadie is wearing her pretty pink Princess Leia dress today in honor of the new Star Wars movie that opens tomorrow. Although I don’t go to the movie theater often, this is one movie I definitely want to see on the big screen. But I’ll probably wait a few weeks until I don’t have to worry about it being sold out anymore. Do any of you plan to brave the crowds and go opening night/weekend?
dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog dress, star wars, princess leia

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog dress, star wars, princess leia


This post is part of the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday blog hop.


  1. That dress is quite pretty on you, Sadie! I think pink is most definitely your color. My mom and dad are going to go see this movie with my mom’s mom…but they are waiting a week or so until some of the hype dies down!

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