dogs, designer dogs, Yorkipoo, yorkie poo, picky eater, portion control, tongue out, dog smiling, dog food, kibble, dog bowl

Portion Problems

dogs, designer dogs, Yorkipoo, yorkie poo, picky eater, portion control, tongue out, dog smiling, dog food, kibble, dog bowl


As you all know, Sadie is a picky eater. Some days she acts like she’s starving and will eat anything in sight. Other days she will only eat her dog food if I spoon feed her a few bites. At the moment, the most frustrating aspect of these eating habits is portion size. Of course Sadie’s vet has recommended the appropriate amount of food for Sadie’s dinner. But when I prepare the half cup of dry food mixed with a little wet food that the vet recommends, Sadie barely eats half of it. So the next night I give Sadie a smaller portion, which she finishes immediately and begs for more food. So the night after that I give Sadie a larger portion, but she won’t eat any of it and it all gets thrown out. I just can’t predict how much Sadie will be willing to eat at any given time. Some nights I give her a full portion and she eats only half. I wake up the next morning planning to throw away the leftover food, only to discover that Sadie has gotten up in the middle of the night and eaten every bite. Sadie is certainly talented at keeping me on my toes and making sure our life together never gets boring.
dogs, designer dogs, Yorkipoo, yorkie poo, picky eater, portion control, tongue out, dog smiling, dog food, kibble, dog bowl

dogs, designer dogs, Yorkipoo, yorkie poo, picky eater, portion control, tongue out, dog smiling, dog food, kibble, dog bowl

dogs, designer dogs, Yorkipoo, yorkie poo, picky eater, portion control, tongue out, dog smiling, dog food, kibble, dog bowl
This post is part of the Pet Parade blog hop hosted by Rascal and Rocco, Bionic Basil, Love Is Being Owned By a Husky, and M.K. Clinton.


  1. Oh Sadie, always keeping mommy guessing. I would provide a small portion each day. You can always add a little more if she seems hungry. Easier than trying to guess at it. Glad to see you at the Pet Parade!

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