Sadie took some bunny selfies this weekend and thinks she should send them to the people at Cadbury. With this disguise she’d be perfect for the Cadbury bunny auditions, right?
This post is part of the Sunday Selfies blog hop hosted by The Cat on My Head.
Aww, with looks like that, I’d say the Easter Bunny job, and the eggs, are in the basket!
Purrs, ERin
Erin the cat, Princess. recently posted…Spring time…
You make a cute bunny!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
You are definitely going to get to be the Cadburry bunny 🙂
Ellen Pilch recently posted…The Catburry Bunny Auditions-Part 2
Awww you do make a cute bunny,xx Speedy
speedyrabbit recently posted…Sunday Selfie #GET TOUGH Give away
You look very bunny like, SadiePawkisses for a Happy Monday❤
Little Binky and Granny recently posted…Very Close Sunday Selfies