Tag Archives: awards

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog dress, dog hair bows, dog purse, dressed up

Red Carpet Ready

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog dress, dog hair bows, dog purse, dressed up


Sadie is trying on her outfit for the Oscar’s this weekend. I think she’s ready for the red carpet!


This post is part of the Pet Parade blog hop hosted by Rascal and Rocco, Bionic Basil, Love Is Being Owned By a Husky, and M.K. Clinton.


Grab button for Pet Parade Blog Hop



dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog smiling, black and white photography, dress up

Dressed to Impress!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog smiling, black and white photography, dress up


Sadie is all dressed up today in honor of the big show tonight – the Oscars. We may not be going to the Oscars, but it’s always fun to get dressed up and have our own red carpet party. As you can probably guess, I act as the paparazzi and Sadie is my movie star.


This post is part of Nola and Sugar‘s Black and White Sunday blog hop.

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, thank you

Shine On Award!


Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, thank you

Sadie and I just found out we were nominated for two Shine On Awards! This is so exciting, because it is our very first award. It’s a really wonderful feeling to know that people are enjoying and appreciating the things I’m posting on this blog. Two of those people, our friends and fellow bloggers from Bernie the Frenchie and Destiny’s Dog Blog, were nice enough to nominate us for this award.

So the rules of the Shine On award are as follows:

  1. Visit and thank the blogger that nominated you.
  2.  Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back.
  3. Share 7 random things about yourself.
  4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for a Shine On Award, provide links to their blogs, and notify them on their blogs.

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