cat toy – YourDesignerDog YourDesignerDogBlog: The Adventures of Sadie the Yorkipoo Sat, 05 Sep 2015 06:19:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Technology – #52Snapshots Sat, 05 Sep 2015 06:30:35 +0000  


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, laser light, technology, tongue out


This week’s #52Snapshots of Life theme is technology. For my photos today I decided to try out a new gadget I bought Sadie. It’s an attachment that hooks onto a dog’s or cat’s collar and shines a little laser point at the ground. Since Sadie acts like a cat half the time, I thought she would enjoy playing with and chasing a little laser beam all over the floor. It’s a cute concept. Since the laser is attached to the collar, the beam moves when your pet does, so your pet can basically entertain themselves by chasing around a beam that they are moving themselves. So I attached the little device to Sadie’s collar and pointed out the light to her. She looked at it for like a minute, then got bored and went to find a ball. Oh well. I’m thinking the laser can still be useful, especially since you can change it to blinking or flashing lights instead of just the one little beam. If I set it to flashing on her collar and send Sadie out to use the bathroom at night, I can keep an eye on her by following the flashing light. So technology doesn’t always work the way you want it to, but it’s always pretty useful in the end.
dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, laser light, technology, tongue out

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, laser light, technology, tongue out

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, laser light, technology, tongue out

This post is part of The Lazy Pit Bull’s 52 Snapshots of Life Challenge.


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Sadie the Cat? Thu, 26 Jun 2014 10:30:03 +0000  

Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cat teaser


I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but sometimes I wonder if Sadie is part cat. This is especially evident in the way she plays sometimes. She’s very happy to play with a toy by herself, occasionally even taking the toy into another room if I try and play with her when she doesn’t feel like company. Sadie also loves to pounce on toys and people, and often bats items around with her paws. So when I was in the dollar store recently and saw a cat teaser for sale, I thought it might be something Sadie would enjoy playing with. And she had a blast! She immediately started chasing and bouncing and pawing at it as I moved it around on the floor. Then I started waving it up and down and she went nuts jumping and spinning and snapping at it. Whenever she caught it we played tug of war until I got it back and started all over again. This went on for quite a while and turned out to be really great exercise for Sadie. I’m not sure a toy like this would survive long with a bigger dog, but my little Sadie really enjoyed her new cat toy. Best dollar I’ve spent in a while.

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cat, cat teaser

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cat, cat teaser

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cat, cat teaser

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cat, cat teaser

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cat, cat teaser

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, cat, cat teaser


This post is part of the Thoughtless Thursday blog hop brought to you by Ruckus the Eskie and Love Is Being Owned By a Husky.

This post is also part of the Thursday Barks and Bytes blog hop brought to you by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.



Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!



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