Here is Sadie modeling her favorite Spring collar. I’ve found it very difficult to take pictures of Sadie focusing on the collar she is wearing. Either I can get a good photo of the collar, but not Sadie’s face, or if I focus on Sadie’s face, the collar gets obscured by her fur. And Sadie isn’t even that fluffy of a dog – I can’t imagine trying to get a picture of one of the really fluffy dog breeds wearing a collar!
This particular collar is from a brand we love, Yellow Dog Designs, and was bought from and personalized by HotDogCollars.com. Check out this review we did of a similar collar also by Yellow Dog Designs from HotDogCollars.com.
This post is part of the Pet Photo Challenge hosted by Six Legs Are Better Than Two.
This post is not sponsored or endorsed by Yellow Dog Designs and HotDogCollars.com. I’m simply stating my honest opinions about a product or service I personally use for/with my dog in everyday life.