woofsupport – YourDesignerDog http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com YourDesignerDogBlog: The Adventures of Sadie the Yorkipoo Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:29:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Separation Anxiety – Flashback Friday #8 http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/2014/05/09/separation-anxiety-flashback-friday-8/ http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/2014/05/09/separation-anxiety-flashback-friday-8/#comments Fri, 09 May 2014 09:24:46 +0000 http://yourdesignerdog.wordpress.com/?p=297  

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dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, puppy, sleepy puppy, cute puppy pictures

 Like most dogs, Sadie hates being alone. In this flashback photo my sleepy puppy Sadie and I are literally joined at the hip (as I write this Sadie is once again curled up against my hip, fast asleep). We are very lucky to be able to stay together most of the time, as Sadie comes to work with me everyday. But there are times when she must be in the house alone. And to her it doesn’t matter if it’s five minutes or five hours, any time alone is far too long.

As with most of Sadie’s issues, it’s not hyperactivity or destructive behavior I worry about when she’s alone; it’s inaction. When I leave Sadie home alone she goes up to her window seat to watch me leave, and then won’t move again until I come home. No matter how long I’m gone, she will not go to the bathroom (I leave pads out for her of course), she will not drink water, and she will not eat, no matter what kind of food I leave for her. If a friend or family member checks on Sadie when I have to be gone all day, she still refuses to eat, drink, or, pee. She will greet the person, all happy and excited to see them, but then return to her vigil at the window when the greeting is done. Her mommy is not home safe yet, so she cannot relax and tend to her own needs or be bothered with other people. I’m glad that I can trust she won’t get into trouble while I’m gone, but I wore about her wellbeing. If I leave in the winter, she will wait at that window no matter how cold it gets. I make sure to put blankets on her before I leave, but what if they fall off? I have nightmares of Sadie shivering and shaking from the cold, gazing sadly out the window waiting for me to return.
I know that to deal with separation anxiety I’m supposed to gradually lengthen the amount of time I leave her alone, showing her that it’s ok if I’m gone because I always come back. And I have tried that method, starting from when she was a puppy. But if I left for ten minutes or thirty minutes or two hours, Sadie always sat there and stared at the door until I returned. And when I get back she goes nuts, shrieking and crying and barking, as if asking how I could put her through that, like she feels I abandoned her. And so I take her with me everywhere I possibly can, because I can’t stand the idea of her sitting alone in the window, feeling sad and abandoned.
This post is part of the #WoofSupport blog hop.

Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
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I is for Isolated – #atozchallenge, #woofsupport http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/2014/04/10/i-isolated-atozchallenge-woofsupport/ http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/2014/04/10/i-isolated-atozchallenge-woofsupport/#comments Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:20:17 +0000 http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/?p=734
Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, isolation, lonely

I guess the time has come for me to admit to my greatest failing as a dog mommy – my dog has no friends. Sadie is completely isolated from canine society.  I know this is mostly my fault because I didn’t bring her into situations where she could socialize often enough, but it’s also partly Sadie’s choice. She has no interest at all in other dogs. I tried to introduce her to my neighbors’ extremely well trained, ex-seeing eye dog, which is the only other dog on our street, but Sadie wouldn’t go anywhere near the German Shepard. While the German Shepard tried desperately to get close enough to Sadie to smell her, Sadie focused all her attention on sniffing the humans and keeping just out of the German Shepard’s reach. Once Sadie was done investigating the humans, she sat down on the other side of the lawn from the German Shepard, without ever giving a single sniff in the other dog’s direction. If we encounter a large dog on a walk, Sadie will sometimes hide behind me, to stay away from the other dog. If we encounter a small dog, Sadie completely ignores it and wants to sniff the owner instead. Sometimes the other little dog desperately wants to make friends with Sadie, but she will not pay it any attention at all. If we encounter a friendly little dog in the pet store, Sadie tries to pull me into the next aisle. Last week a Westie tried to say hi to Sadie while waiting on the checkout line, and Sadie ran behind the counter with the cashier. Even when we encounter another little dog with hostile intentions, Sadie could not care less. On our walks we occasionally run into a man who walks a Pomeranian. As soon as he spots us heading towards him, he gets this look on his face that says “oh crap, another dog” and he starts bracing for his dog to go nuts. Right on cue the Pomeranian goes insane barking and snarling and lunging, clearly hoping to eat Sadie for lunch. But Sadie remains completely impassive. She looks around, sniffs the ground, and waits patiently for me to continue our walk. She never even glances at the other dog.

So the question is: do I keep forcing Sadie into encounters with other dogs hoping she will someday take an interest, or do I let her do as she pleases and avoid other dogs completely?

This post is part of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

This post is part of the #WoofSupport blog hop brought to you by Oz the Terrier, Roxy the Traveling Dog, and Wag ‘N Woof Pets.

Check out Slimdoggy‘s blog hop below for the latest A to Z challenge posts from my fellow pet bloggers.


Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!

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Flooring Phobias http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/2014/03/13/flooring-phobias/ http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/2014/03/13/flooring-phobias/#comments Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:17:11 +0000 http://www.yourdesignerdogblog.com/?p=904
Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, pets, blog, photography, floor, wood floor, phobias


Every dog is unique, with their own quirks. One of Sadie’s most frustrating quirks is her occasional flooring phobia. Like most dogs, Sadie prefers carpeting. It gives good traction for the paws and it’s mostly soft and cozy. Unfortunately I have allergy issues and can’t have carpeting in my home. So almost a year ago my house was renovated. During that process, Sadie supervised while my family and I installed new bamboo flooring. She absolutely refused to walk on the wooden subfloor and would only walk from one room to another if we put down and trail of cardboard for her to follow. But once we started putting the bamboo down, Sadie would walk on the new sections of bamboo and then stop if she got to a part we hadn’t installed yet. I was extremely happy with this behavior from Sadie, because I was worried that she would hate the bamboo like she hated the wooden subfloor. Fast forward a couple of months and Sadie and I have moved back into the house with its new bamboo floors. We are both very happy and Sadie is having a blast running around and exploring every inch of her new territory. Then one afternoon I hear her crying outside my bedroom door. My door isn’t closed, so I’m not sure what is wrong. It looks like she wants to go into the bedroom, but can’t. She is just unwilling to cross from the hallway throw rug to the area rug in my bedroom. I discover that if I stand behind her, she goes into the room. This same issue happens when she wants to go into the guest bedroom. A few hours later she is running around from room to room, having completely forgotten that she was scared a few hours before. Over the months since the renovation was complete I’ve noticed that she becomes afraid of the floor in varying parts of the house and seemingly random times. Sometimes she cries from the living room because she is scared to walk from the area rug to the throw rug in the hallway. Sometimes she won’t leave the bedroom and cries until you walk up behind her, giving her the confidence to leave. There is a whole corner of the living room she refuses to step into for no reason that I can see. But throughout all of this she has never had a problem walking from the living room through the kitchen to the bathroom on the other side. Yet this is the biggest stretch of bamboo floor in the house, with no throw rugs of any kind to break it up. I just don’t understand why some areas are perfectly fine to walk through, some areas are occasionally scary, and some areas can’t be walked on at all, when they are all made out of the same material. Because this problem occurs so randomly, where an area is fine one minute and scary the next, the usual methods of desensitizing her don’t work. I’ll walk her around on a leash through all the problem areas and she’ll be fine. I’ll think the problem is solved, and then a week later she’ll be crying at the doorway again. Then the day after that she’ll be fine again, and so the cycle continues. I’ve since tried to optimize my home to eliminate these episodes of fear as much as possible. I make sure a throw rug stretches through each doorway. And no matter what room she is in, there is always some small throw rug in sight that she can scurry to if she feels the need to get off the floor. Now Sadie only relapses once every two or three months, instead of every two or three weeks. I’m very happy with this progress and we continue to work to make sure Sadie is a very healthy, happy, well-adjusted Yorkipoo.

This post is part of the #WoofSupport Blog Hop.


Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!

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