Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!
Sadie and I have decided to give black and white photography a try and join the Black and White Sunday blog hop. I’ve learned that my baby looks cute no matter what color the photo is. And I love finding new excuses to take more pictures of her. Also, she gets just as annoyed with me when I take too many pictures of her in black and white as she does when I take too many pictures in color. I guess it’s a tough life when you’re too cute.
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Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate all the love!
Hi Y’all,
I really must agree, she really is to cute and so perfectly suited to black and white photos!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Such a sweet face! You’ll notice when a photo is in black and white, you wind up noticing different things. It often portrays emotion better, since the viewer isn’t distracted by color.
In this picture, all I see is one cute face!
–Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
Very cute Sadie!
Great job on your first black and white photos. Sadie is precious.
You’re right! Sadie is very cute in black and white. So glad you annoyed her and joined the hop!
So glad you guys joined. Woofs to you Sadie. Happy 1st Black n White Sunday. Golden Woofs
That’s a very cute photo!!
Great B & W shot of your precious baby!
Sadie is a cutie! Happy 1st Black and White Sunday!!!!
Thanks for all the great feedback everyone! Sadie and I enjoyed our first black and white Sunday so much that we plan to try more black and white photography for next week!
Sadie does not look annoyed yet here. Sometimes I lick the camera to get it outta my face! Happy Sunday!