Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
Sadie has decided that the ribbons decorating one of last week’s birthday presents are much more entertaining than the new collar that was inside the package. After thoroughly sniffing the ribbons, pawing the ribbons, shaking the ribbons, and licking the ribbons, it seems that Sadie thinks her new ribbons work best as a wig.
This post is part of the Monday Mischief Pet Blog Hop.
Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
A very cute look on you, Sadie 🙂
Emma recently posted…There’s Something Fishy In My Pool!
Ribbons are the new post birthday look.
Bailey recently posted…Whisker Walk 2014 is Coming
Cute new look!!
Mary recently posted…Port Neuf Rendezvous – Fun times
The ribbons certainly define her face. I think it’s a good look for Sadie.
Flea recently posted…Barking Dog – FBM, 74
That is one fancy new do, Sadie!
Very sophisticated, Sadie! 😉 It even loops around and forms a bit of a ribbon-beard! 🙂
Chelsea Price recently posted…Taking the Dog on Vacation: Pros and Cons
Hey Sadie
When I first glanced, i really thought you did have a special hairdo – suits you pretty girl!
I hope you’re having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
snoopy@snoopysdogblog recently posted…Monday Mischief – Childs Play!