dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, winter, snow

Winter – #52Snapshots

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, winter, snow


Initially I had a difficult time thinking of a good photo for this week’s 52 Snapshots of Life theme – winter. Last week the best idea I could come up with involved Sadie and some snowman decorations. But then Mother Nature decided to help me out. After weeks and weeks of winter with no snow, my area got two big snowstorms this week. And nothing says winter to me like some photos of my dog playing in the snow. In these particular snapshots, my adventurous pup decided to climb a mountain of snow at the end of an evening stroll. I love how proud she looks surveying her kingdom from on top of the world.
dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, winter, snow

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, winter, snow

This post is part of The Lazy Pit Bull‘s #52Snapshots of Life Challenge.


  1. Sadie is such a cutie pie! She does look like she’s surveying her kingdom in that adorable pink snow jacket. And, those little snowballs hanging off of her legs; how do you get those things out? I remember when my Westie used to collect them like he was at a super sale, and picking them off was no fun, for me or him. Someone suggested a low heat blow dryer setting.
    My Sophie doesn’t get her dainty paws tainted by the snow. Heavens forbid! Jasper, on the other hand, is a Terrier Terror. If we didn’t live in the city and he could run free playing int he snow, I’d probably never catch him! 🙂
    Jody Miller-Young recently posted…52 Snapshots of Life Photo Challenge: Week #5 – WinterMy Profile

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