dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, sleepy puppy, sepia photography

Sadie Is Having a Stay-cation!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, sleepy puppy, sepia photography


My family and I are leaving today for a week-long vacation, but unfortunately Sadie can’t come with us this time. Instead, she will be having a stay-cation! My Aunt will be living at our house for the week, keeping Sadie company. While I am out to sea with the rest of my family, Sadie will get to relax at home without the constant threat of the Mommy paparazzi. But after such a nice trip with her last December, I’m really going to miss Sadie while I’m away. They need to start allowing dogs on cruise ships. Anyway, I will once again be posting a few random Sadie photos on the blog each day while I’m away. Hope you enjoy!



This post is part of the Sepia Saturday blog hop hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Earl’s World.


Ruckus the American Eskimo Dog Blog

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