Comments on: 2017 Pet Blogger Challenge YourDesignerDogBlog: The Adventures of Sadie the Yorkipoo Fri, 13 Jan 2017 03:12:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jessica @YouDidWhatWithYourWiener Fri, 13 Jan 2017 03:12:54 +0000 Congrats on getting selected for a BlogPaws campaigns. As for blog post titles, I actually DON’T start with a title… or at least not the final title. I know kind of what I want to say so I take a stab at a decent title. Then I write the blog post. Then I tweak or change the title based on what I wrote (the content or angle) and the SEO research I do. Good luck in 2017!

By: Kimberly Gauthier Thu, 12 Jan 2017 21:58:51 +0000 Happy New Year!!!
I love your advice about photos. I’m going to start saving them and having more fun. Bloopers is a great idea. I could make a cool slideshow of them.

About the titles, if you’re trying to build organic traffic or monetize, there are sites that help you come up with titles. They don’t write the specific title you need, but will give you inspiration based on an algorithm that lists what titles work best on Google and social media. I use it all the time and it’s made a huge difference for my blog.

The site I use is:

By: Amy@GoPetFriendly Wed, 11 Jan 2017 02:07:39 +0000 Thanks so much for participating in the Challenge again, and congratulations on being chosen for the BlogPaws campaign. That’s a great indication of the quality of your blog. I totally agree that deleting photos is a mistake – I’ve gone back to find a photo that I didn’t think I’d use, only to realize I deleted it. Ugggh!

I think that when you’re doing a series like the Pet Photography Challenge, it’s good to use that in the title. Pet Photography Challenge: Rule of Thirds seems like a great title for your post. They don’t all have to be witty or snappy. Sometimes simple is better. Good luck!

By: Colby Tue, 10 Jan 2017 10:01:11 +0000 Congratulations on getting chosen for a BlogPaws sponsored campaign! If you don’t mind me asking what automated pinning service are you using for Pinterest? Traffic to my blog from Pinterest was good last year, but I think I can still improve upon those numbers. I’m an SEO guy so I usually go with the simple titles that describe the content in my blog posts. Best of luck to you in 2017!
