Tag Archives: animal control

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, dog license

The License Saga


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, yorkie poo, notice, animal control

Has anyone else found it incredibly difficult getting a license for their dog?

I always knew that a license was generally something that my city required if you had a dog, but since Sadie is my first dog, I didn’t know any specific details. So as soon as I brought my new puppy home, I called the city to find out what to do. They said call back next year, since dogs doesn’t need a license in my town until they are at least a year old. After Sadie’s first birthday at the end of May last year, I called the city to ask about the paperwork. They said just forget about it until 2014 since she was still a puppy for much of 2013. When January 2014 came around, I went into City Hall myself to do the paperwork. But they refused to give Sadie a license. Apparently in order to get a license in my city, the dog’s rabies shot must be valid through October 31st of that year. Sadie was supposed to get her next rabies shot on October 5th. So I was told that although I’m required by law to have a license for my dog, they couldn’t issue a license for her. Try again next year. This was becoming very frustrating, but I once again put off the issue to be dealt with in 2015.
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