Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
Sadie decided she needed an unusual vantage point to inspect my DIY efforts last weekend.
Recently I’ve been working on fixing up my grandmother’s house, getting ready to put it up for sale. Last weekend I refinished the kitchen cabinets and began working on screwing the cabinet doors back on. Sadie watched me very quietly and patiently as I worked on the upper cabinets. She didn’t even mind the noise of the drill. When I finished the upper cabinets, I sat on the floor to begin installing the lower cabinet doors. The second I sat down Sadie jumped up and ran over to me, wagging her tail all happy, assuming that since I was on her level that must mean it’s play time. Of course I paid attention to her for a few minutes, but then I needed to get back to work. I started attaching the first lower door and Sadie jumped into my lap. I guess she thought if she laid in my lap all cute and cuddly it would make me happy like it normally does. But I needed the space and freedom to move around and work, so I evicted her from my lap and sent her back to her cushion to lie down. She obeyed for a little while and I got some of the doors reattached. Then I had to get up to get the very last door. When I sat back down to put it into position, Sadie ran over to me again wagging her tail and wanting attention. But I wouldn’t look over at her; I just kept looking forward at the cabinet, trying to decide the correct location for the hinges. I guess Sadie figured that if I wouldn’t look over at her, she needed to get in front of me to get my attention. In the blink of an eye Sadie jumped over my legs and into the empty, open cabinet in front of me. Once I stopped laughing enough to move, I ran and grabbed my camera and took the above picture.
This post is part of the Monday Mischief Pet Blog Hop.
Thanks for liking us! Sadie and I really appreciate the love!
How cute … I want your attention now, Mom. Prince and Nadie do that too when my husband is trying to work around the house. Happy Monday!
Stacey recently posted…No Mischief … Only A Great Mother’s Day!
Oh Sadie
You’re such a clever AND cute doggie!
I hope you’re having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy

snoopy@snoopysdogblog recently posted…Monday Mischief – Just like a teenager!